Simpleasme 222

About Simple As Me

SimpleAsMe  Your Story 2:22

We all have life stories.

They come in all sizes, colors and tastes and hold rare inspiring energy.

So… anything goes here. Any bit of your personal experience, anything that made you think, act or just think.

If you feel the need to share this message with others, please do. Your story can change the world.


To create a the world’s largest inspiration bank for personal stories

in order to inspire and provide tools from real life experiences for all of us and for next generations.


Simpleasme, the platform you can get inspired by other people, just like you, who share their stories, experience, and insights related to their life or personal point of view. We believe that personal stories can connect people emotionally to each other.

In Simpleasme, everyone can share their story in a video format of 2 min and 22 sec is a unique platform of video contents of personal, authentic stories made by people and brand’. Worldwide based on their own life experience. Every person in the world, from the age of 18 onward, may upload their stories on a selfie video up to 2:22 minutes all around the world. The website perpetuates personal insights, knowledge, oral

Welcome to simpleasme 2:22

My name is Hila Sidi and I am the founder & CEO of “Simpleasme 222”.
I believe that every person has a story that can influence and change the world.

Hila has a B.A. in marketing and business management.

Over 23 years of specializing in business development including entrepreneurship, marketing, customer file administration, increasing clients’ profits, negotiation, marketing strategy development, sales, added value services, and working in the field of economics. Worked for companies such as Partner Media Ltd., DELEK Energy fuel, and D&B.

Hila developed the “Simple As That” system to help enable the bypassing of negative thinking for 17 years, which would, later on, become the base for the study “Simple As Me”. Published 3 books:
“Mom Letters” and “Touch – Everything Can Change” for transpersonal psychology, all the books being sold in bookshops today as well as 222 Inspiring Stories.


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